Evolutions Medical & Day Spa is pleased to now offer several minimally-invasive surgical procedures which are all performed by highly respected cosmetic surgeon Dr. Terry J. Perkins.
Minimally-invasive (M.I.) surgical procedures are intended to give patients great results with less cost and “downtime” than traditional cosmetic surgery. If incisions are needed, they are very small and hidden in order to not be visible after healing is completed. Treatments are typically done with local anesthesia and light oral sedation, so the procedure is safer and the recovery quicker and easier than using general anesthesia. These procedures are ideal for clients who want to achieve noticeable results but are not interested in more extensive or invasive cosmetic surgery.
M.I. treatments can address areas of concern such as the forehead, eyebrows and temporal region, the upper and lower eyelids, cheeks and mid-face, and under the chin (submentum).
Today we have many options available to improve our appearance. If you are interested in discussing the pros and cons of M.I. procedures versus more extensive surgical treatments (or other laser-based options),
Call us at 805-687-0212 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Perkins.
Minimally Invasive (M.I.) Cheek Lift
Our cheeks tend to sag with age and also lose volume as they become flattered and “longer”. An M.I. Cheek Lift uses small incisions hidden in the hair by the upper ear. Deep supporting tissue is tightened and a small amount of skin is removed, resulting in a more youthful, “refreshed” look.
Learn more about Minimally Invasive Cheek Lifts
Submentoplasty (Minimally Invasive “Neck Lift”)
Neck (submentum) – The submental area (under your chin) will often develop bands of excess skin and “stringy” muscles as we age. A submentoplasty is less extensive than a neck lift and is especially good for men who are starting to see a “turkey neck”. Dr. Perkins sews muscle bands together and removes extra skin to re-contour the neck and positively change the appearance and profile.
Learn more about Minimally Invasive Neck Lifts
Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery – Upper or Lower Lids)
Eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) is an excellent way to restore a rested, youthful appearance. Excess skin around the eyes (either on the upper eyelids or lower eyelids) can make a person look older and “tired”. An upper or a lower blepharoplasty removes the excess skin and fat around the eyes, resulting in a more “refreshed” look.
Learn more about Blepharoplasty
Bitemporal Lift
When your eyebrows begin to droop you start to look sad, tired, or unhappy. The temporal brow lift elevates the outer half of the brows and improves the crow’s feet. By focusing on “opening up” your eyes in a natural way you look more approachable without looking “overdone”. The lift is done through a very small (1/4”) incision that is hidden in the hair.
Learn more about Bitemporal Lifts
Lip Lift (“Sub-Nasal Lip Lift”)
A Lip Lift removes a small piece of skin at the nasal base to shorten a “long” upper lip and to allow more of the pink portion of your lip to show. The incision is hidden in the base of the nostrils.
Learn more about Lip Lifts
Facial Liposuction (Chin/Neck or Lower Face)
Facial liposuction in the lower face and/or the submentum (the chin/neck area) involves only small areas and a small amount of fat removal. Fat is removed using a small tube that is inserted through a small skin incision. The result is a more contoured and sculpted look. The procedure is typically done under local anesthetic combined with oral sedation.
Learn more about Facial Liposuction
Fat Transplantation
Many people wish to take fat from an area that has an excess and move it to another area of the body that could use a little “plumping”. This desire can become a reality with fat transplantation! The procedure involves using a small tube inserted through a tiny skin incision to acquire fat cells that are then cleaned and re-injected into a different area of the body (such as the face or hands). The fat that “takes” in the new location has the benefit of lasting for years. Some patients also like the fact that the material they are using to plump up areas of the face and/or hands is their own fat.
Learn more about Fat Transplantation
Chemabrasion Enhanced Skin Resurfacing
A chemabrasion is an incredible skin resurfacing procedure that combines the advantages of a light to moderate depth dermabrasion (not microdermabrasion) with an aggressive TCA chemical peel. It is an ideal procedure to treat facial wrinkles, acne pits, skin irregularities, photodamage, facial scars, precancerous lesions and early skin cancers. With only one treatment, most people will see a 70% to 80% decrease in wrinkles and a 50%+ improvement to acne scars.
Learn more about Chemabrasions
Corner Mouth Lift
When the corners of your mouth droop downwards, it looks like you are permanently giving a sad expression. A corner mouth lift (technically referred to as a “lateral oral commissure transposition flap”) can reposition the corners of the mouth upward to make you look happier. The procedure also helps those who have problems with saliva making the corners of the mouth wet and irritated.
Learn more about Corner Mouth Lifts
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