Medical Spa Services Financing Option Through Care Credit

Evolutions Medical Spa Santa Barbara offers alternative financing through CareCredit – a healthcare finance company – that extends credit for health services that may not normally be covered through your insurance (such as cosmetic procedures, dentistry and veterinarian services).

At Evolutions, we accept CareCredit payment with a minimum purchase of $300 which does not have to be limited to treatments. You can also use it to purchase products.
Take advantage of the offer CareCredit is currently extending for our customers: no interest for one year if you borrow $1000 or more (and full payment is made within the promotional period) and no interest for six months for those who borrow less than $1000 (and full payment is made within the promotional period).
Get started on your skin rejuvenation today! Apply online for CareCredit financing and then call Evolutions to schedule your medical spa service at 805.687.0212.